Turinabol 10
Turinabol, the active ingredient is Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, which is very similar in structure to Methandrostenolone.
Methandrostenolone. has a very weak androgen activity, which is only 50% of testosterone, whereas anabolic activity reaches 180%. The drug is not converted into estrogens, does not cause side effects such as the accumulation of fluid, high blood pressure and gynecomastia. Methandrostenolone. has little inhibitory effect on the level of endogenous testosterone. Today, Methandrostenolone. can safely be considered one of the safest anabolic steroids.
The effects of Turinabol 10 :
Gives a moderately high growth of muscle mass;
Strengthens the high quality of the muscle fibers;
No estrogenic side effects;
Virtually no rollback phenomenon at the end of a cycle of anabolic steroids;
Do not significantly enhances erectile dysfunction.
Turinabol Possible side effects:
Turinabol is not converted into estrogen and can not cause side effects associated with them: gynecomastia, increased blood pressure, water retention in the muscles, etc. By taking this anabolic drug, an athlete can gain in a short time a set of high quality muscle mass. But, like with other anabolic steroids, you should not exceed the recommended dosage.
Turinabol Cycles:
When taking Methandrostenolone., strength gains and muscle mass are not progressing fast, but in the end results are very good. The drug reduces the level of SHBG, increases levels of free testosterone. Typical dosages are starting from about 30 mg per day, divided into 3 equal reception. Daily permitted Methandrostenolone. dosages are of 50-60 mg. The cycle must be at least 5-6 weeks.
The preparation is versatile and suited for mass gaining and drying cycles. Turinabol does not require the inclusion of anti-estrogens in the cycle. Solo Turinabol cycle is suitable for those athletes who have adequate body weight, otherwise it is better to combine the drug with other anabolic steroids.
For a set of muscle mass, Methandrostenolone. should be combined with:
This combination allows to achieve better results than using each drug separately. The drug is particularly well stacked with Deca.
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