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Dianabol 50

Manufacturer: Geneza Pharmaceuticals

14 Reviews




 Dianabol   is an oral steroid which contains 50 mg of the hormone Methandienone.

GP Dianabol is the most popular name for this steroid by bodybuilders. GP Dianabol is credited with being the second anabolic steroid ever created, with the first being testosterone. This steroid is the most popular oral that there is. It is popular with those new to anabolic substances due to how quickly it provides a gain in mass and strength.

Due to its fast effects on the body, GP Dianabol makes a great “jump start” to any cycle. Here, bodybuilders, will take the drug at the beginning of a cycle to start seeing results immediately while waiting for the slower esters of the injectable anabolics to start taking affect. Users of this steroid often report significant gains in strength and muscle mass.GP -D is also famous for the intense “pump” that it gives the muscles during workouts. This is mostly due to the fact that it dramatically increases protein synthesis and nitrogen retention within the muscle cells.

Mg for Mg, GP -D is considered one of the strongest anabolic orals available to bodybuilders. It is important to note that some do suffer from estrogen related problems with the usage of GP -D, including bloat and sometimes “gyno” (the development of female tissue under the nipples in males resulting in unattractive and often painful lumps in this area). Because of this, bodybuilders may prefer to use an estrogen inhibitor such as Anastrozole or Tamoxifen while on this steroid. Like many other orals, GP Dianabol is a C17-alpha alkylated compound, and therefore can be potentially toxic to the liver. It is recommended that bodybuilders using GP -D also incorporate a liver protectant into their daily supplement regime, and that they keep their dosages of this powerful drug in reasonable range and try to limit cycle duration to 10 weeks or less. GP -D can make a great addition to any cycle, and is commonly stacked with all injectable steroids.

As mentioned earlier, this steroid makes a great start to any cycle, but it is also important to note that bodybuilders frequently use it as a “bridge” between cycles and as a means to recovery from a cycle. Here, GP -D can be taken in a low dose (10 mg a day) during PCT or in between cycles to keep androgen levels high and to maintain strength and mass, while allowing the body’s natural testosterone levels to be regained.

GP Dianabol is not a very popular steroid among women bodybuilders due to the fact that it is very prone to causing harsh masculizing side effects. Males typically use GP -D in a dosage range of 25-100 mg a day for a period of 4-10 wks, and 10mgs a day for bridging or PCT purposes for as long as needed.


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  5. Hamm’s (verified owner)

    Used high 500 test E and 500 deca and 50mg proviron daily for my bulking cycle and effectively put on about 24lbs in the 12 weeks I was on i Then switch to Test E Winstrol/Anavar/Superdrol for my 12 week cutting cycle to drop about 20lbs for the stage.

  6. jimmie (verified owner)

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  7. Daniel (verified owner)

    Never had a problem with this vendor.

  8. Avery (verified owner)

    Running some alongside my T cycle twice a week & will up it for PCT but already can feel the difference it definitely gets the natural T moving while on gear

  9. Zohar (verified owner)

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  12. Henry (verified owner)

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Nolvadex 10mg

(11 Reviews)
Nolvadex 10mg, often used as a supportive medication during steroid cycles, offers several positive benefits to users. This medication, also known as tamoxifen, is renowned for its effectiveness in mitigating estrogen-related side effects that can occur when using anabolic steroids. One of the key advantages of Nolvadex 10mg is its ability to prevent or reduce the occurrence of gynecomastia, a condition characterized by the enlargement of breast tissue in males. By blocking the estrogen receptors in the breast tissue, Nolvadex 10mg helps counteract the estrogenic effects that certain steroids can have, thereby promoting a more aesthetically pleasing physique. Furthermore, Nolvadex 10mg is known to have a positive impact on cholesterol levels by helping to maintain a healthy balance between HDL (good) and LDL (bad) cholesterol. This aspect is crucial for individuals engaging in steroid use, as some anabolic compounds can negatively impact cholesterol profiles. Nolvadex 10mg can help mitigate these effects, reducing the risk of cardiovascular complications associated with altered cholesterol levels. Another beneficial aspect of Nolvadex 10mg is its role in preserving natural testosterone production. Steroids can suppress the body’s own testosterone production, leading to hormonal imbalances. Nolvadex 10mg works as a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), stimulating the hypothalamus and pituitary gland to release more follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). This helps to restore and maintain natural testosterone levels, supporting overall well-being and reducing the potential for post-cycle crash. Overall, Nolvadex 10mg serves as a valuable tool for individuals utilizing steroids by managing estrogen-related side effects, promoting a healthier cholesterol profile, and aiding in the restoration of natural testosterone production. It contributes to a more positive and balanced experience during and after the use of anabolic steroids.

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