Liver Protection | Liver Protection 5 Ways to Be Kind to Your LiverLiver Protection Your liver is all that and more, says Saleh Alqahtani , director of clinical liver research for Johns Hopkins Medicine. The second-largest organ in your body, your liver has some 500 critical jobs. “Your liver removes all toxins, clears medication from your body and metabolizes [breaks down] all your food,” says Dr. Alqahtani. It also adjust cholesterol levels, builds proteins and makes bile, which helps you absorb fats, stores sugar for when you really need it and regulates hormone levels. For your liver, that’s all in a day’s work. What could possibly go wrong?our liver health may not be top of mind, but the minute it malfunctioned there wouldn’t be much else on your mind. Cirrhosis , in which liver cells are replaced with scar tissue, can prevent your liver from doing its critical jobs. So can nonalcoholic fatty liver disease , a fast-growing epidemic among the obese, which can lead to cirrhosis. “If your liver stopped working,” says Dr. Alqahtani, “toxins would accumulate, you couldn’t digest your food and medications would never leave your body.” In fact — you can’t live a week without your liver. So here’s a list of ways to avoid liver disease. Some of them are healthy behaviors you might do anyway. Others may never have occurred to you. Heed these tips to stay right with your liver.