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Andarine S4

Manufacturer: Natural SARMS

14 Reviews



What is Andarine ?

Andarine (S4)

Andarine (S4) was developed by GTX Inc. for the treatment of muscle wasting, osteoporosis and BPH (enlargement of the prostate). It belongs to the class of drugs called SARM’s – selective androgen receptor modulators. Today, it is popularly used and sold as a research chemical, which is used by athletes who seek to get all of the strength benefits and lean muscle gains without the harmful side effects observed with anabolic steroids. Moreover, S4 is also used as part of steroid stacks to improve a cycle without adding more side effects, or aromatization.

Medical Studies

There have been ample studies done on S4. For instance, one study showed that taking a small dosage of S4 everyday restored skeletal muscle. Furthermore, in comparative studies with dihydrotestosterone (DHT), increases in bone mass and strength were observed at a higher rate with S4 than with DHT. In addition, more studies showed that S4 was more effective at losing fat and creating lean muscle mass, and it did so in a shorter amount of time with significantly less side effects than anabolic steroids.

Athletic uses

Due to the fact that S4 binds to androgen receptors, it can increase strength and build lean muscle mass without creating water weight, drying out the joints, stressing the liver, or causing severe suppression. What’s more, there is strong evidence that S4 also helps prevent osteoporosis, meaning that it will strengthen bones and soft tissues within the body. Likewise, S4 is great at preventing muscle wasting for those who choose to use it as a bridge between steroid cycles in order to keep muscle mass gains.

How it Works

All SARM’s work by binding to the androgen receptors, which results in anabolic activity. Furthermore, there is more protein synthesized, allowing more muscle to be created. These effects are similar to those seen with anabolic steroids. However, in the case of SARMS, there is no aromatization, liver strain, severe HPTA (hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis) suppression and general side effects.


S4 can be used by itself, but it works even better when stacked because different drugs and compounds will work in synergy. There are a few ways to stack andarine, which I will illustrate below. All milligram (mg) examples are daily dosages, and you can run andarine for up to 12 weeks at a time.

1. Endurance: you can stack S4 at a low dose with cardarine (GW 501516) at 20mg per day for an increase in endurance.

2. Fat loss: the best shredder stack would be the combination of 20mg of cardarine with 50-75mg of S4. This combination is well known as a potent ‘cutting’ stack.

3. Anabolic steroid stack: Stacking S4 as part of an anabolic steroid cycle is a good way to help increase strength and lean muscle mass without giving additional side effects to your cycle.

4. As a stand alone: Andarine used by itself at 50-75mg. It is, in my opinion, one of the best SARM’s for increasing strength quickly. You will be moving more weight within 1-2 weeks, and the side effects will be minimal.

5. SARMs triple stack: If you want to recomp, andarine stacks beautifully with cardarine and ostarine (MK 2866).

6. Bridging: Andarine is great at preventing muscle wasting, so you can use it between cycles because it is very minimally suppressive.

Side Effects

Andarine does not aromatize, it is not suppressive when used properly, and it will not harm the liver.

However, andarine is known for one side effect – its affinity to bind to the androgen receptors in the eyes, which is not permanent or harmful. When this happens, the user may have problems adjusting their vision from darkness to light, or they will notice a yellow tint. If this becomes a problem, you can lower the dose down or take a couple days off from taking it. Therefore, there is nothing to worry about because once the compound is stopped, your vision will return to normal within a few days to a week.

Half life

The half life of andarine is only 4-6 hours, so split dosages are a good idea.

Dosage and use

The typical dosage is 50-75 mg total per day, taken in the morning and in the evening in split dosages. In liquid form you are to carefully drop the liquid into the mouth and swallow (do not hold under tongue). And then chase it down with some juice or water. Besides, do not mix the liquid into a cup with juice. Because it can sink or stick to the cup and be lost.

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