Results from One Cycle of Anavar: What to Expect


Results from One Cycle of Anavar: What to Expect

Anavar Presently as people have come to know of the benefits of staying fit and healthy, they now tend to buy steroids UK for the purpose of either shredding extra fat or gaining some weight to look healthy. Among these steroids is one popular oral anabolic steroid which is Anavar UK.

Anavar is an oral form of anabolic steroid. Which came into existence in the early 60s when two people were looking to make some steroid which has more anabolic properties and less androgenic properties. At that time this steroid proved to be helpful for those who suffered from bone diseases.

After some time, doctors started prescribing this steroid to AIDS patients. Apart from this as the time passed athletes and bodybuilders started using steroids UK. Mainly UK Anavar as they saw potential in this steroid to help them meet or achieve their fitness goals. Gradually this steroid gained popularity among fitness freaks as it had fewer side effects.

 Advantages of Anavar over other steroids:

There are many benefits linked with the intake of this anabolic steroid which is mainly the reason why people prefer to buy Anavar UK more than other anabolic steroids even when it is illegal to use. Anavar offers a number of benefits to its users which makes it a popular drug among other steroids for sale. 

These benefits or advantages can be experienced by either everyone or a large chunk of people who use this steroid regularly. These benefits include less side effects as compared to other androgenic drugs, users do not need to worry about different other side effects mainly estrogenic which include heart strain, bloating, sleeping difficulties, fluid retention and gynecomastia in men. Using Anavar can also give a mental boost meaning that it gives its users ability to concentrate and focus to exert even more during training.

Side effects which can result from Anavar:

Apart from being the most commonly used and preferred drug, Anavar results in different side effects which can be faced by the users who buy Anavar UK or use it for an extended period of time. These include an exhausting or debilitating pain in back or in lower extremities, damaging liver, can suppress testosterone, lowers libido, can result in skin rashes etc.

Anavar cycle for men:

Men can take Anavar for an extended period of time as it is a mild steroid as compared to other oral anabolic steroids. The length of a typical Anavar cycle can be up to eight weeks where if this steroid is taken in high doses, such cycle should follow post cycle therapy consisting of Nolvadex and clomid. The dose which can be taken by males in an Anavar cycle should be from 25 mg a day which can be increased every week up to 50 mg a day.

But the dose increase depends on how well a person is tolerating the dose and also depends on the results. The total length of the Anavar cycle for men can be up to eight weeks. An important point to remember is that the half-life of Anavar is eight hours which means for best results one should take it at least two times a day.

Anavar cycle for women:

Among all the anabolic steroids in the market, Anavar is a female friendly drug as women experience fewer side effects on this steroid and can build muscles easily. But the gains will not be enormous which means Anavar offers moderate muscle gains to women. By cycling Anavar, female athletes and bodybuilders can get improved muscle tone.

Intake of Anavar will also help to reduce fat as this steroid helps to reduce cortisol levels. In an Anavar cycle, it is recommended to use this steroid on a full stomach or after taking a meal. The dose should be small in case of females which can range from 2.5 mg to 5 mg to be taken every day. And the total duration of Anavar cycle for women should be between four weeks to six weeks. If the steroid is well tolerated by females, its dose can be increased as well in the cycle. But the maximum dose of Anavar to be used by females should not exceed 20 mg a day.

Results one can get from one cycle of Anavar:

Those who cycle Anavar over a period of weeks tend to see different results every week. Mostly after the first-week people notice increased strength as they will be able to lift more heavyweights which can be retained even after stopping this cycle for a few months. After a period of three weeks, one might observe the development of lean muscle mass and after four weeks, users can start to see a reduction in their deposited fat along with hard or stiff muscles.

Cycle people usually follow

Many people after taking Anavar for a period of eight weeks which is a typical cycle of Anavar get an enhanced look which is as a result of changes in physique. Moreover many users report that after a period of one week they observe positive changes in their libido. Apart from these positive outcomes while either being on Anavar cycle or after finishing the cycle many people also report some adverse results which include menstrual irregularities, mood changes which includes making people more aggressive along with oily skin and making clitoris sensitive which can either be positive or negative. Apart from this, many people also observe changes in their voice.

Key takeaways:

Although after one cycle of Anavar people start seeing results, it is advised to not go with Anavar only cycle. It is recommended to take Anavar with another drug or steroid, mainly testosterone as it will help mitigate the suppression of testosterone which can be a possible side effect of Anavar only cycle. Moreover you cannot totally rely on the steroid to achieve desired results. Eating right along with daily exercising should be added in daily routine so as to get effective and quick results.

Moreover it is imperative to take a break or gap of exactly the same duration for which the steroid was cycled to get back to normal functioning of the body without a steroid.


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